Playing Film Festivals in 2019
Beginning in late 2017, Wide Awake in Bridgewater creator, Erik Lee, emerges with a short script adapted from his feature script of the same title, and begins production. Erik, has spent more than 20 years producing creative work for others. He now reemerges on the creative scene by writing, producing, directing, and editing Wide Awake in 2017 - 2018. Thankful for countless hours of support from professionals and emerging artists, Wide Awake in Bridgewater is coming to festival screens this year and next.
Our short story emerges in 1968, young Michael Gates is enjoying a beautiful day in the
countryside with his childhood sweetheart Monica Dupre. They stumble upon what appears to be a military testing facility and their worlds are rocked by tragedy. 50 years later, elderly Michael starts receiving phone messages from his high school sweetheart, and we
discover what happened that fateful day. It will change his destiny forever...
Erik Lee, Writer/Direcctor/Executive Producer
Hans Jaeger | Kevyn Settle, ssociate producers